Northern Counties Cricket Club

Moving to hardball cricket is a significant and sometimes, intimidating, step for any young player. New guidelines from NoSCA regarding 2nd XI cricket will help this transition during games and we will be hoping to introduce hard ball to some of our Wildcats at training.


We are keen to start hardball training for U16 and details will follow.

Venue: Northern Meeting Park, Ardross Street, Inverness.

Day : TBC

Time : TBC

Dates : TBC

Cost: TBC

Booking arrangements: email –

Any questions contact : Jon Ford –

BACS payment details:

Bank of Scotland

Sort Code: 80-22-60

Account Number: 10870361

Reference : U16 

Unlike previous years, the U16 sessions will be open to any youngster who has hardball experience or wants to make the step up to hard ball cricket. The invitation is extended to all clubs within NoSCA (North of Scotland Cricket Association)

Youngsters wanting to improve their play further and showing potential, may be invited to attend a trial at Caledonian Highlanders. If applicable, the coaches will discus this option with the parents or guardians. There may also be opportunity for older players to participate in 2nd XI games. For insurance purposes and to comply with NoSCA regulations, ALL players representing the club must be a registered Member


Please note that all arrangements may be subject to potential change and we will notify all changes as soon as we hear of them via our Facebook page ( ) OR via email if you have already enrolled your youngster.

Shannon and Dillon cleaning up after a cold and frosty session.

We believe that every youngster who shows the right level of skill and aptitude should get the opportunity to put their skills up against others of a similar standard. This, along with constant monitoring and reviews from the young players, their parents and team mates provides a safe environment for development.

Where appropriate, NCCC will encourage youngsters under the age of 16 to play competitive, hard ball cricket. This may mean participating in senior games – but only if they can be fully integrated in to a game.

Nicky Polata

We, also, have good links with Fortrose Academy and have had 5 of their youngsters attending senior training. The U16 training held during 2019 season has already borne fruit and two players Lewis Pacey and Shannon Thorp were selected for the Caledonian Highlanders (Northern Division) U16 and U14 squads respectively and have represented the club at 2nd and 1st XI level. Well done to both of them.

So, If you have a child who aged 14 – 16 who may want to attend, contact Abbi Thorp ( ) or Jon Ford ( for details.