Junior Wildcats Training ( 9 to 14 yrs ) – Softball

Venue: Northern Meeting Park, Ardross Street, Inverness

Aim: Wildcats is the next stage after “Bobcats” and, although the accent is still on enjoyment, the training is little bit more technical and game focussed. For those that want to be involved, there will be Home and Away games against similar aged teams from other clubs.

This year – 2023 – we want to give an opportunity to those who want to try out training/playing with a hard ball. This will be done in consultation with the team captains, the youngster, their carer and the clubs bowling coach.

Moving to hardball cricket is a significant and sometimes, intimidating, step for any young player. New guidelines from NoSCA regarding 2nd XI cricket will help this transition during games and we will be hoping to introduce hard ball to some of our Wildcats at training.

Day: Tuesday

First Session: 18.4.23

From 4.30pm – 6.00 pm

Cost: £40

Booking arrangements: email – Abbi Thorp (

Any questions contact : Abbi or Jon Ford (

Payment via BACS to : 

Bank of Scotland

Sort Code: 80-22-60

Account Number: 10870361

Reference : WCAT

Junior Training Kit

Currently, we train and play in a dark blue T shirt and Cap*.

The enrolment fee covers the purchase of these for newcomers OR if your child is a returner it will cover the cost of a NCCC Hoodie. The club will order kit on behalf of parents.

Dark coloured shorts or track-suit bottoms complete the outfit and these have been provided by parents.

If you want to supplement your child’s kit; two options are available via our club shop :

  1. Macron Brand – This is the more expensive option but the choice is wider.
  2. * Non branded – AWDIS – available as “Junior packages” or individual Junior items. Price includes Club logo. Players initials as an optional extra.